Thursday, January 14, 2021

Feet in the Dirt, Hands on the Heart


During my hiatus this past summer, we went to an old-growth redwood grove that has never been logged. Walking into the grove and being amongst the giant beings was awe-inspiring and a reminder that they have been alive for many years longer than I’ve walked the earth. They have seen the passage of time and are still standing except for one notable tree that had toppled. Its uprooted base splayed out like a massive lacy web of intricate interlaces like a giant mosaic of tree structure. Yet, it was dead and its decay was returning to Mother Earth creating more fertile soil for the future growth of the forest.

The events that took place last week, the insurrection and storming of the US Capitol building felt like the giant, uprooted redwood. What once was assumed to be stable, was no longer. And part of the collective reaction was one that triggered fear, distrust, disconnection, and uncertainty. We too have lost our grounding.

As I sat in meditation before the beginning of this week, the theme popped into my head. Feet in the dirt, hands on the heart. The national unrest had found its way into my being and, on some level, I was digging deep into how to cope with my own anxieties. The answer is fundamental …get grounded and remember to look after your own heart. Now isn’t the time for trying to feel any way in particular but to allow whatever feelings are present to be just that…present. No tamping down, no ignoring. And, at the same time, to notice my reaction to the events and resultant feelings as this is where my internal locus of control has power.

As a good citizen, I can do what I can to affect change that I believe to benefit humanity and the Earth Mother. I can clench my fists and stomp my feet in reaction to things that I think may be disagreeable and, perhaps, sit quietly as I listen to differing opinions. Yet, I fundamentally need to look at receiving into my own heart that which nourishes me. If I spend more energy outside of myself and feed that, I very well may be diminishing my power by not looking after my own heart.

When we stand with our feet on the earth, we call upon the energy of the base chakra. The earth element is related to this chakra. Located at the base of the spine, this energy center has a primal nature in that it reflects survival, safety, and the stability of Mothering Consciousness. As we stand firmly upon the soil, the energy in the soles of our feet receive and connect to the energy of Mother Earth which is our global source of existence. Without the earth…none of this would be. It is where, on the most fundamental level, we are nurtured and taken care of. Without Mother Earth supporting us, we wouldn’t survive and when we are uprooted by what we have known to be true and no longer is…it feels as though our foundation has crumbled.

One way to re-ground and settle the uprooted energy is to simply go barefoot and stand on the earth. If that’s not an option, go outside and place your palms on the trunk of a tree or, even better, hug a tree. If you’re a gardener, spend time with what you’ve planted and nourished, get dirt under your fingernails.

To soften our hearts, place both hands on your chest and feel the aliveness of your own beating heart. As you close your eyes, think of the innocent and reliant beings you’ve nurtured in your life whether it be a newborn baby, a puppy or kitten, or a freshly planted garden. We’ve given this unconditional and protective energy to others and have cultivated a feeling of what it’s like to do so.

Further, think of other beings who’ve brought this energy to you throughout your life…your mother, relatives, friends, or non-human beings. This is the perfect time to allow yourself to fully receive loving and nurturing energy. It’s as though you have asked the mother's energy to feed and nourish you. When your own heart is full, you can then become the giver to others.

Finally, to lighten your energy here’s a terrific practice. Call or connect with that one person that always makes you laugh. It’s easy for me, I have my younger brother on speed dial and with a simple “hello” we can launch into a conversation that not only has me laughing within seconds but feeds that part of me that brings a smile to my heart.

Try it. Feet in the dirt, hands on the heart!

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