We continue our exploration of the seven energy centers called chakras and this week we have been moving into the higher chakras working with the fifth or throat chakra. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called the Vishuddha chakra and is located in the area of the throat and neck. It has the color of radiant, rich blue, its sound vibration resonates in the note of G and has the seed mantra of HAM.
As previously stated, these elements are an integral part not only of our Universal environment but of the subtle energy systems of our being. When we experience our connection to the elements we are able to deepen our sense of an inherent relationship to all that's around and within us. Each chakra represents varying aspects of ourselves from the most physical to the most ethereal.
The throat chakra has the element of ether and sits directly above the heart. Ether is even more seemingly elusive as an element in the form of being a gas, making it more volatile. It is described as "the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds". And this makes beautiful sense as the heart chakra (the fourth) is represented by air and ether is the next element beyond the heart chakra..." the upper regions of air beyond the clouds".
All of the energy centers and elements interact and align with one another. The lower three chakras create the foundation upon which our energy rises toward the heart and when we begin to live from the intention and energy of being more loving, it's as though we are better prepared to express ourselves authentically. The first three chakras and elements, earth, water, and fire are familiar to us as we know what each of these is, how they look and how we interact with them. This more vague concept begins as we rise from the lower three chakras to merge into the heart/air chakra. We all know what air is but it becomes more difficult to actually see. And so it goes as we rise into the upper three energy centers and into the realms of expanding consciousness, intuition and our connection to something that is often difficult to comprehend.
The throat chakra is all about self-expression, creativity, and communication and it happens to be the one chakra I personally have had to work the most on opening. Although I was quite shy, as a young, boisterous and often "loud" child, I was told to "pipe down" and over time began to do so. During my years of coaching gymnastics, I would typically lose my voice completely three or more times each year and developed nodules on my vocal cords. I went through three months of speech therapy and, for the first time in my life, began to understand how to more effectively use my voice. I was also a mumbling low-talker and realized years later that it was because I felt that what I had to say wasn't of value.
As I stepped more deeply into my yoga practice, I began to realize that my throat energy needed some work and coupled with a chakra reading that said, "your throat is like a caged bird, looking for the key" the practice of opening my throat energy began to unfold. When I first began studying to become a yoga teacher, I thought I'd do it as long as I didn't have to chant. My belief at the time was that chanting was weird and somewhat cultish. I then had the experience of being at a yoga conference for some training and as we stood at the front of our mats, they said "And now we'll chant Om Mani Padme Hum" together. I rolled my eyes with an act of defiance and reluctantly began to sing. Tears began to form and I started to cry as I realized that my fear around chanting seemed ridiculous. I was just singing and I love to sing! I held a deep belief that kept me locked down in my throat.
Chanting, mantra, and the creative pursuits of writing over 500 blogs have been the creative mainstay of me opening up my throat. I knew that if I was to fulfill the dharma/purpose of my life, in sharing what I've been gifted by great teachers and those who've come before me, I would need to express myself. Coming to my throat, gaining confidence in speaking my truth supported by the energy of my heart has enabled me to do what I'm meant to be doing.
I know that each of you reading this has a unique offering to the world. If you need a boost to get it going, get creative and step into the arena of self-expression and tap into your Vishuddha chakra. Sing, dance, write, sketch, or create anything that your heart is beckoning you to express. It will not only raise your vibration, but you'll be sharing your beautiful gifts with the world.