We are at that turning point time of the year- the Solstice. I've written many times about both the winter and summer solstice as there's just something about these profound earthly markers that excite me. I think it's because they signal an opportunity to stop for a few moments and take stock. The word "solstice" means "sun standing still" or as Wikipedia says:
"The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still"), because at the solstices, the Sun's declination appears to "stand still"; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's daily path (as seen from Earth) stops at a northern or southern limit before reversing direction."
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, and specifically for those of us here in the desert, our days have grown long, with the birds making their pre-dawn conversations known at what seems a ridiculously early hour and the night sky is just getting dark 45 minutes before I retire for the evening. If I'm paying attention, I can see the signs of the solstice and am reminded to check-in with where I am.
It's been six months since the winter solstice, a time when things were dark and ready to welcome longer days. Now is the perfect time for taking stock of what's manifested in those past six months. In classes this week, we've been checking-in with what's been happening in our lives and asking the question, "Does this align with how I wish to be living in the world?". We can ask this question on the many aspects of who we are. Take a moment to ask yourself:
- How have I been looking after my physical self? How's my health been over these six months? Is there something that needs to be added or let go? Am I making time for self-care and nourishment? Am I moving my body in a way that honors where I am currently?
- How has my mental health been? What has been occupying my thoughts? Am I paying attention to past patterns and habits and, if yes, are they still serving me?
- What's been my emotional state since the last solstice? Have I been steady? Moody? Unusuallyexperiencing a strong emotion that I haven't previously?
- And how is my spiritual life and connection to my highest self? Am I nurturing that side of me? Am I making space for daily connection to what's sacred?
As we sit and reflect on what's happened over the past half year, it's more powerful if we can do so from a place of not judging how we did, but simply notice what has happened and if it feels good in our bones.
Recently, I was in a place where I was trying to make a major decision. I could feel myself reaching for the answers and as I did so, it seemed that more challenges arose rather than solutions. So instead of striving for an answer, I awoke the following morning and simply laid down in savasana (final relaxation pose). Setting myself up in a supported and comfortable position, I brought the image of being still and staying open to mind. The intention was to simply be, not try. And guess what happened? Ideas and solutions started to bubble up. It was in the stillness and letting go that I began to find clarity.
As a practice this week in classes, I've been encouraging people to feel the still points between breath movements. Breathe in, retain the breath and feel the still space. Breathe out and notice the same still point at the end of the breath. When we notice the turning points of the breath, we sense in our being moments of quiet. If we offer ourselves enough of these still moments, what we need or don't need might just appear. It's as though we can embody our own solstice moments.
Stand still and happy Solstice!
Thanks for sharing!