Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Third Eye

Last week we completed our exploration of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space/ether. All of these elements are associated with the subtle energy systems of the chakras. We have seven chakras or spinning wheels of energy that run from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. When we experience our connection to the elements we are able to deepen our sense of an inherent relationship to all that's around and within us. Each chakra represents varying aspects of ourselves from the most physical to the most ethereal. And although we have completed the five elements two remaining chakras exist: the third eye and the crown chakras. 

The sixth chakra or spinning wheel of energy is called the Ajna chakra and is represented by the color indigo. In his book, "The Power of I Am" author Geof Jowett describes the color of this chakra through the visualization of flowers. Two that I can see and relate to most vividly are annual lobelia and bearded iris. Their deep rich blue/purple hue brings us into the third eye. We visualize a spinning or expanding wheel of indigo light to open and connect with our intuition, that place of deep inner knowing. When we are connected to our intuitive selves, we have a sense of simply knowing something to be true. 

Think of a time when you made a decision based on a flash of insight that in your heart, bones and gut, you just knew it was the right choice. Debating, arguing or intellectualizing wouldn't make any difference to the decision. You simple had the insight of the "right" answer.

When we are focussing on our third eye, it allows us to open the door to a widening consciousness. Geof Jowett says that this chakra can be represented by light which makes complete sense as we deepen our awareness around something, it's as though we are bringing it from the dark shadows into the light so we can see it more clearly. The overall practice of yoga is one of awareness. We become more aware of the blind spots that exist in our bodies as we move them. We start to notice the thoughts that arise during our practice and begin to see if our inner critic/judge/performer is making an appearance. We peel away the layers of our spiritual awareness and conscious connection through turning inward. As we close our physical eyes, we open our third eye to the inner realm of who we are.

In order to explore the sixth chakra we move away from the more physical practices and toward the practices of meditation and contemplation. We can work on opening and aligning our third eye chakra by wearing indigo and chanting the bija mantra-OM, often described as the sacred sound of the universe and using such affirmations as:

I honor my intuition.
I accept my path.
I am healing body, mind and spirit.

When we raise the vibration of consciousness we begin to listen to the wisdom and truth of our individual soul.  As we begin to trust this intuitive, knowing self we become more open to the unseen messages and truths being given to us on a regular basis. This truth is a reflection of our higher self and purpose. To finish off my thought of the week, I'd like to share a quote from Geof's book:

The Wise Intuitive Consciousness

The intuitive consciousness offers me the gift of insight, imagination, and wisdom to understand the essence of life. Freely accessing me the awareness of my inner knowing, which provides me guidance through life. I fully trust and accept the messages, insights, and wisdom provided to me and I recognize and believe in the synchronicity of my life.

I AM intuitive and I listen to my higher self. 
I AM one with universal mind.

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