Friday, December 23, 2011

Do Less

I felt I needed to keep it simple this week. Many of us are in the middle of celebrating the various holidays that happen between November and the beginning of January and the last thing we need is something more to think about...or do.

So for this week here's my advice...keep it simple.

Do less. Take some time to sip a warm beverage. Snuggle into bed 15 minutes earlier than usual. Drive more slowly. Soak in the tub. Rather than putting something ON the "to-do" list, erase something instead. Take a leisurely walk after a meal. Spend less time checking your technology devices. Dig deeper into a conversation with someone you care about. Take an extra deep breath. Go to a Restorative or Gentle yoga class rather than your typical Power class.

Someone once asked me what would it be like for me to go at 70%. I said, "I have no idea as I never do...". Since then I have given myself the 70% experience and although it's not my default speed, I was actually OK with it. And don't tell anybody, I actually really enjoyed slowing down!

Can you be OK at 70%?

Try it out and let me know.


  1. Hi Jayne, keep it simple is a good way all the time..this week for sure. My brother passed way on Christmas simply is my only way to go. love your site. I have your blog url and had the picture on there to but wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do...let me know,
    thanks Sherri

  2. Hi Sherri,
    Thanks for your comment and for some reason, I just noticed it today! I hope that by keeping things simple over the past couple of months has eased your process of grief. Hang in there and find daily gratitude!
