Can you visualize a thousand-petal lotus at the top of your head? And, as it blossoms, a radiant white/violet light emanating from this portal shining out into infinite space? If so, you are seeing the energy of the crown chakra, called the Sahasrara Chakra. This week in classes, we have been exploring the seventh chakra and the word associated with it-integration. Not only is the crown chakra supported by and connected to the lower six chakras, but it is also the portal by which we integrate with the vast ocean of collective consciousness.
Imagine standing at the shore of an ocean of consciousness: infinite, eternal, unchanging. As we individuate into each lifetime, by taking on the form of a physical body, it's as though we are holding an empty cup. As we stand at the water's edge, we dip the cup into the vast expanse and carry it with us throughout our entire lifespan. When we die or "drop the body", as they sometimes say in yoga, the physical form dissolves and the internalized universal energy once again merges with the vast collective consciousness.
The tricky thing is we forget this consciousness is an inherent part of who we are, so one aspect of our yoga practice is the removing of obstacles so we can remember we are a micro-reflection of the whole. Our ability to "rise up" into the upper chakras is often set on the foundation of the lower ones. If we don't feel safe (base chakra), are numb to our emotions (sacral chakra), feel powerless in our lives (solar plexus chakra) then it's super challenging to connect to the highest essence of who we are. It is thought that dormant energy sits like a coiled snake at the base of the spine and once the energy centers become clear, the energy rises up through all of the chakras, blossoming at the crown of the head, also known as enlightenment.
The qualities of the crown chakra are experiences of peacefulness, deep joy or bliss. It deepens our spirituality and union with the divine, welcoming a state of thoughtless and doubtless awareness. Yet, it's difficult to have those experiences if not supported in the more earthly chakras, hence, we need to "do our work" through all of the energy centers in order to experience more bliss. In other words, no shortcut exists for a speedy awakening, no insta-enlightenment, or by-passing what we may find challenging along the way.
One practice that takes us to the crown is that of meditation and silence. So many of us have difficulty in what seems like simply being...sitting still, with no distractions including relaxing music or white background noise. Just silence. Unlike the other six chakras, the Sahasrara Chakra has no bija/seed mantra but is all about silence. By practicing silence, we can actually uncover that something else exists within it, and only through experiencing silence, do we discover what is there.
Realize that the path to a deeper inner awareness takes time. It takes repetition and consistency to peel away the multitude of layers that block us from remembering the vast pool of consciousness from which we came. The arduous journey is worth it as, in the end, we are thought to merge back into the collective consciousness. And when we know it's already within us, perhaps we can more easily get to the end of our time and release our physical boundaries and experience the deepest state of surrendering and bliss.
May you come to know and recognize your truest self, your highest vibration, and manifest it in the world through living your soul's purpose and calling. Getting connected to our crown will help reveal to us why we are here in this lifetime and remind us to walk firmly along our own path.
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