Have you ever had the experience where you had a momentary nudge about something, didn't trust it fully and instead rationalized and reasoned your way to a different answer? I have and let me just say, that I've had to do a few about-faces having been led astray by my "reasonable" mind. I tap my head and silently admonish myself for not trusting my first instinct. Had I trusted it, I would have not only saved myself time but angst as well. Thankfully, I've become better over the years of deciphering the language of my soul or as Dean Koontz says "intuition is seeing with the soul". I now have greater trust in those momentary nudges, not always, but more often.
Intuition is associated with the sixth or Ajna chakra. Located at the brow center, it's powerful seed sound is OM and its color is indigo/purple. One way to open the channel to this energy center is to visualize a vortex of light spinning at the forehead, chanting OM repeatedly, and imagining an expansive and open spaciousness. By closing our physical eyes, we awaken the Ajna chakra by opening our inner Third Eye, the pathway to seeing beyond the obvious.
Intuition always makes sense to the person intuiting as it's the language of their innermost being. And how we get better at understanding those nudges is to understand how they show themselves to us. Four ways of sensing the more subtle language of our being are through: clairvoyance (the ability to receive actual messages/images); clairaudience (receiving auditory information); clairsentience (receiving information through others senses); and claircognizance (receiving thoughts/ideas directly from spirit). I never thought I had special telepathic gifts until I began to open up to the mere possibility that I did but simply didn't know how to articulate what I was receiving.
As my meditation practice has evolved and deepened over time, I'm able to receive more intuitive insights as I am getting better at holding the space open in order to get the message. If we're constantly drawn outward, into the external world, seeking and searching through our open eyes and maintaining a certain vigilance, the quieter messages get bowled over. As we sit in meditation, we become more of an open vessel to "hear" the deeper whispers of our being. What I've discovered is that I'm quite clairsentient as I sense things, largely in my chest and belly. I've only had a couple of strong clairvoyant experiences one of which was receiving a "vision" in the wee hours of the morning that I needed to be running yoga retreats in Australia. The message was purposeful and precise.
As I awoke from the sleep from this vision, I perked up and thought to myself, "so that's what I'm meant to be doing...!" and proceeded to email my Australian friends to ask for any leads to retreat centers Down Under. Within a relatively short period of time, we discovered Sanctuary Retreat and have visited and offered retreats multiple times over the past decade. It was as though my soul's purpose was being called into action and I was fortunate to not only have heard the message but to have acted upon it. What resulted was many life-affirming experiences in a magical place.
The primary message of this week regarding intuition is twofold. First, open up to receiving insights. Get quiet, meditate, focus on the upper three chakras, breathe, and stay open without expecting any particular answer or outcome. And second, when you do receive a message...trust it. Trust it completely. It's the voice of your soul speaking to you in your own language, guiding you from a place of deeper purpose and meaning. Trust that it's something you don't need to analyze, rationalize, or reason through. It's the truth showing itself.
May we always know our truth.
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