This past week we were fortunate to have a Super Moon, the closest the moon has been to earth since 1948! I hope that you had clear skies for spectacular viewing as we did here in the desert. The moon gifted me not only with its early evening rise, but I caught the final glimpses of it early the following morning as I headed out on my bicycle ride. It was just ducking behind our local mountains which were growing pink from the early morning sunrise. Ahhh...to step outside and bear witness to something so far away and beyond us yet still part of us was truly refreshing!
To say the least, it's been a fascinating week here in the United States following the Presidential election. The mood that followed was evident of the obvious political divide in this country with some people celebrating and others deep in despair. My thought of the week was inspired by these seemingly unconnected events-the full moon and the turning tide of the political climate. As a result of these two events, this week has been focusing on releasing energy that doesn't serve us and brings connection back into focus.
Astrologically, when we see the full moon from the earth it means that the sun and moon are facing each other directly, with the sun's light bringing the moon into full illumination. In yoga, many of us have heard the term hatha yoga but many are unaware that "Ha" translates to sun and "tha" translates as moon. It acknowledges that these two energies co-exist with the sun representing masculine, fiery, hot, yang energy and the moon representing the opposite feminine, cool, calming, yin energy. And although they are vastly different, they are all still part of the whole universal system and have co-existed since before human consciousness.
A few weeks back I wrote about the energy of the New Moon (in case you missed it, click here) during which time it is ripe for planting seeds of manifestation with the full moon being the time where what we've planted is reaped. As Divine Harmony wrote, "Full moons bring times of climax, crisis or culmination. Full moons pit the conscious self and ego (sun) opposite the unconscious (moon). What we began or the seeds we planted at the previous new moon can be found now to bear fruit-and we certainly will reap what we sowed!"
So if we are dissatisfied with what we are reaping, we have the fortunate opportunity to once again till and fertilize the soil for what we wish to bring about for ourselves, others and the planet. It's the perfect time to release being tangled up in unproductive thought, word or action and step in the illumined light of the moon toward what you truly wish to manifest. All of us have a light within and when we connect to it fully we begin to recognize that light in others. This is what the term "Namaste'" means: the light in me, sees and honors the light in you.
If we find ourselves getting triggered by what people say or do, it can be us recognizing what we don't like within ourselves. Part of healing the divide is to release anything or anyone that stops our light from shining or that stops us from connecting to our inherent goodness. We do our inner work so as to be able to hold up the metaphorical mirror so they recognize it not only in themselves, but within others as well.
What this time has reminded me to do is to live deeply within my own light and to remember my connection to the whole. This time is teaching me to listen deeply to the needs of others and as Katrina Kenison (full post) so poetically put it:
"When the going gets tough may I open my heart before I open my mouth. When the going gets tough may I choose love over fear. Every time."
Let these unsettling times of turmoil and change offer us new seeds to plant to reaffirm what is coming from our hearts. Let us be reminded that all of us are part of this human family and that we must live in harmony for the health of, not only our own selves, but for the future of this earth and the generations to follow. May we all reflect the radiant light that shines from each of us to each other, just as the moon reflects the light of the sun.
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