Change is in the air! Not only with the opening of our new studio in December, but the seasonal weather is shifting here in the desert. During my road cycling last week, one morning I was in long tights, long sleeved jersey and vest and the next time, short sleeves and short cycling pants! It's a bit unpredictable which is a sign that it's a great time of year to focus on getting grounded. Just at the autumn leaves are dropping from trees and the cooler, dry wind is picking them up and tossing them about, we too can get quite uprooted during this time of year.
In classes this past week, we have been focusing on connecting into the steady and grounding energy of the earth. When we feel a bit tossed about by life, setting our intentions and feet firmly into the vibe of Mother Earth can support us in finding stability and focus. Getting grounded can be quite practical. Just the other day one of my yoga teacher training graduates sent me a note saying, "I'm subbing at such and such a place. I'm terrified. Help!" It brought a wry smile to my face as I've stood in those footprints on many occasions. It takes a certain courage to face things we feel are intimidating and open up that crack of vulnerability within us. My reply to my student was to "Stand firmly on the earth, take a deep breath and open up your heart...teach from the heart and you'll do just fine."
I had another opportunity to get grounded just the other day. I needed to make a phone call that I didn't want to make. I was squirming at the possible confrontation and had delayed as long as was reasonable. So before I made the call, I said to myself, "Slow down. Take a deep breath and remember to come from your heart. Remember that your intention in relationships with others is connection and compassion". I then dialed the number and the call went smoothly. Although I didn't get all the answers that I wanted, I didn't feel as though I crumbled, but instead stood in my truth and spoke from my intention.
When we remember our connection to the earth's' energy, we are in a position of rising up to higher levels of awareness and consciousness. If I hadn't grounded myself prior to making that difficult phone call, I could easily have found myself in what I call my "unevolved self", that part of us that responds through habit rather than from the highest version of who we want to be in the world. Knowing that I want to be acting from a place of compassion and connection, slowing down and consciously practicing to do so is vital to establishing the "evolved self" which then becomes our automatic face to the world. I didn't want to be run over by the conversation but to stand firmly in my truth with an open heart.
This truly is a practice. It takes time to undo layers of habitual patterns and to re-establish a different, more awakened way of being in our lives.
My thought for the week is for us to connect barefoot to the earth. To feel held in the safe and secure solid form that is beneath us. My hope is that we celebrate our place on this planet and can stand firmly in our own footprints in a higher state of consciousness through that connection. Let's get grounded so we can elevate higher!
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