One of the most rewarding moments that I have experienced over years of teaching is looking at a class and having that inner voice scream "YES!" as I bear witness to the progress that each student has made.
At times, the changes seem barely perceptible. It can sometimes seem like forever before I notice any changes. We just keep applying ourselves and then what seems to be a significant overnight metamorphosis becomes apparent after weeks of seemingly little progress. It's quite a magical moment.
This perspective is what keeps us committed to our practice whether it be our golf or tennis game, a piece of art, writing or our yoga practice. If we can develop the awareness to open ourselves to the moment that we are currently experiencing, we begin to drop away our attachment to the outcome. As we let go into the process, we merge with the experience rather than the result. We enter a state of flow, the perfect balance of execution and experience that seems to unfold in an effortless manner.
And perhaps that why it's so striking to see students in poses that I hadn't witnessed before. As we focus more on being in the moment, the expectation of what is supposed to happen is shifted to the feeling of the experience.
Most of us know the saying that "it's not the destination, but the journey' that matters. What that really says is supportive of the notion of staying with what is. Knowing that who we are, what we have and what we do are enough. Can we be satisfied with that? I believe it is completely possible through surrendering to each moment as THIS moment is its own perfection.
The challenge is to stop striving for something outside of where you think you should be, toward some greater goal, something bigger and better and step into where you are. Bascially if we allow ourselves let go and commit to doing, progress will naturally unfold.
Breathe it all in. Now. In this moment...
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