With the weeks of planning that need to happen leading up to a retreat, one thing that I couldn't plan was the arrival of a foot of snow the evening before we landed in Idyllwild. As I drove the winding road up the mountain, the beauty kept growing and my jaw kept dropping. I had never seen it so beautiful on that drive! I passed large numbers of yellow flowers in bloom and as I gained elevation, the flowers gave way to snow. The sun was out, the sky was brilliant blue and it set the scene for a magical weekend.
The group, made up of three new retreaters and four repeater retreaters began the weekend with a walk in the freshly fallen, untrodden snow. I asked the group if we could walk as quietly as possible to engage our senses to the natural environment. We made our way to the perfect spot (pictured above) to undergo a quiet breath-centered, Tai chi like session. We found ourselves grounding into the cool earth, listening to the sound of the flowing creek and birds chirping and began to gently flow with our breath to greet our environment.
For those of us who spend most of our time in the dry desert environs, this was an unusual treat.
The remainder of the weekend, we were able to practice postures (asana), sit in quiet reflection and meditation, visit deep relaxation and eat fresh vegetarian (gluten-free) cuisine. In other sessions we got to know each other on a deeper level, learned about the Chakra energy system, were introduced to the practice of Kirtan (call and response singing) and looked at a deeper level of self-inquiry known as the "Purusharthas" (the four aims of life).
What I enjoy most from the retreats that I have offered, is seeing people open their hearts to the tradition and philosophy of yoga on a deeper and more personal level. It allows us a time and space to step away from our everyday commitments, take a deep breath and reflect.
I thank and say "Namaste'" to the fascinating women that I had the privilege of spending time with in Idyllwild. If you missed this retreat, know that there is more to come...
Australia September 2-7, 2010
Idyllwild April 29-May 1, 2011
Mark your calendars!
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