We continue our exploration of the seven energy centers called chakras and this week we have been working with the third chakra called the Manipura or solar plexus. The location of this center can be found toward the spine where the soft abdomen connects with the more rigid rib cage on the torso. It has the color of vibrant yellow (think of the sun), resonates in the note of E and has the seed sound of RAM.
The element of this chakra is that of fire, the third of the physically oriented chakras representing the center of our power and is about self-worth, self-esteem, and transformation. If we think about the energy of fire, it's all about change, absorption, and courage. To fully stand in our own power, we often have to "walk through the fire" of change. It's about finding the courage to begin the process of shedding limiting beliefs, about fully understanding our self-worth and standing up for ourselves. When in balance, we stand in our own power and, in doing so, set the platform from which the upper four chakras begin to express themselves. This place of transformation can be fraught with challenges. Think of a time that required you to invoke your most courageous self. What did it feel like before you faced this challenge? How did you source the energy to face this situation? Were you able to overcome feelings of inadequacy and move forward? Did you let the strength of your convictions flow easily? What did this experience teach you?
As we've been chanting repetitions of "Ram" this week it's as though we are plucking the string of a violin or guitar that begins to vibrate. This vibration awakens and opens the energy of the chakra, helping us to connect to it more fully. The most powerful tool we have through chanting this sound is through our own voice. When we chant it alone or in groups and connect to the sound current, we awaken our own energy and its potential to shift. As we've practiced it this week, I've encouraged students to really project their voices, emphasizing a wide-open mouth in the "aaaa" sound and notice the strong resonance of the following "mmmmm". It's also a terrific way to work on controlling the breath. We've been taking a deep inhale, followed by "ram, ram, ram, ram..." until the breath is out and on the next exhale a single long "ram". This can be repeated two or more cycles concluding with sensing the experience in silence.
In order to charge up our fire energy, we can incorporate within our yoga practice things that challenge or scare us, such as an inversion or that "difficult" pose that we avoid practicing at home. Twists and poses that engage the core muscles can "fire" up the Manipura chakra. We can add layers into manifestation through wearing a bright yellow, chanting the bija mantra-ram, ram, ram and using such affirmations as:
I am courageous.
I am whole.
I stand in my power.
A blocked third chakra might be evident by someone who feels powerless, has low self-esteem or who haven't been able to be heard. It is a place in which those who've been victimized may eventually find healing from their trauma. On the opposite end of the spectrum, people with an over-inflated element of fire (that which is out of balance with the other elements and energy centers), might seem "full of hot air", boastful and without substance. A great example of this are politicians seeking election. Bringing the fire element into harmony with our whole self is vital in creating a sense of power underlined by a sense of humility.
We know that fire is a transformative element with the example of a wildfire clearing the undergrowth of the forest in order to enrich the soil, clear debris that prohibits some plant species from thriving and awakening new growth...a true rebirth of energy. Although fire can be powerful and sometimes painful and even deadly, we know that it is often the spark that is needed for us to move along our own path of growth.
So what are you holding onto that could be cleansed out of your being in order for the next layer of growth to take place? How about working with the fire energy of your third chakra and see what happens. Move wisely, as too little energy here will leave things unchanged and too much might blow things out of balance. Step into the fire with intelligence and let yourself be mesmerized by the flames.
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