Saturday, May 11, 2019

Bring Life

This past week we have been experiencing a convergence of energies that all relate to this week's theme of "Bringing Life". Add together Mother's Day, Beltane (the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice), the recent honoring of Earth Day, and a powerful New Moon last weekend you might have been feeling the call to merge the energies of the mind and heart!

It's a powerful time for experiencing what has been brought into life. In the desert, we experienced a spectacular spring bloom with heavy winter rains. It was as though Mother Nature exploded in all her glory and now other parts of the Northern Hemisphere are awakening with signs of plants bursting into life with warmer and longer days beckoning us to get outside and commune with nature.

The Celtic honoring of Beltane connects us to the fiery energy of this time of year, the birthing of the spring with gusto. And Mother's Day connects us to the energy of the divine feminine as we celebrate the Mother, she who births all of us into existence. The New Moon inspires us to set intentions, send our dreams and desires out to the Universe and await their manifestations that we see by the light of the Full Moon. It may take many cycles of New Moon to Full Moon to see what comes to fruition, but staying connected to the intention and continuing to nourish enables us to eventually see what we've planted. The moon's energy is seen as being feminine and paying attention to her cycles connects us to the feminine aspect within all beings. Complementary to that, the masculine energy resides with the sun and the two need each other for any manifestation to happen. The masculine provides the proverbial seed and the feminine is what drives things to awaken, bringing to life whatever is laying within.

This week we've been taking both a retrospective view of what we've brought to life so far along our individual journeys and what is yet to come. Take a moment to reflect on what you've created in this one lifetime...perhaps you've brought a child into the world, nurtured a deep relationship, built a business based on the foundation of your individual purpose, created beautiful pieces of art, photography, or writing. Take a moment to celebrate all of these things you've manifested so far in this life. And now, take a moment to project into the future. What's sitting in front of you over the next week, month, or six months? Sit or stand in a strong pose of facing what's to come with the intention of courage even though you may not know how it might actually turn out.

I've frequently written about staying in the moment and not getting too entangled with past or futuristic thinking. However, we do need to check in with that part of our timeline to know if the present moment is lining up with what we desire, and if not, to make a change to point us in the direction that serves us and others. Have you ever done something you really didn't care to do? I remember working at Carl's Jr (a fast food restaurant) when I was about 16 years old. The first week felt exciting and by the second week, I was wondering why I was putting my time into something that I really dreaded. I can still remember some of those moments and re-live the uncomfortable embodied feeling of wanting to get out of what I was doing.

Thankfully, I have since uncovered what I believe to be my dharma or purpose and it feels deeply gratifying to step through the doors of my own yoga studio every day in order to serve my purpose and support others on their own personal journey of awakening consciousness and feeling at ease in life. So, one of my questions to you this week is, "Are you putting energy into things on a daily basis that is connected to your deepest intention? Where did you spend your energy today?" If it feels as though you too are having a Carl's Jr moment, then perhaps today is the day you reset your compass and make a change.

The incredible thing about having people reflect on what they have so far brought to life through their own personal lens is that everyone may have things in common, but nobody's offering is the same. We filter through our own hearts what matters most to us and put it out into the world. We are all leaving our own energetic fingerprint through the actions we take and I trust that if it's coming from a loving heart, it can't help but make a positive impact!

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