Definition of Synergy:
"A state in which two or more things work together in a particularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. Expressed also as "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
It may not seem obvious to others that I'm quite an introvert, given that I have been in front of people teaching a variety of classes for the past 36 years. I stand at the front of the class, trying to appear confident whilst projecting a sense of connection to those who are present. That energy moving outwards seems quite extroverted, which it is, but my preference in working is more like one of isolation and solitude. Over the years I have realized how I like to turn inward, particularly in a creative process.
However, my experience has been gifted a different perspective as I have undertaken the practice of Kirtan and forming our small band, Jayne and The Om Boys. This past weekend we had a Kirtan at my studio, Desert Yoga Therapy, and not only did we raise over $1100 for The Find Food Bank (which equates to over 7700 meals!), but we had a fantastic gathering of people. As the music ended, James (one of the Om Boys) said to me, "This is the first time the wall has come down between us and them..." to which I completely agreed. The invisible curtain between "performer" and "audience" disappeared as we all merged our collective energies for the evening. People were not only singing and clapping along but danced and enjoyed many moments of zen. It truly was a touch of magic!
Now, if only I could just bring my harmonium along and sit down and sing...that might be lovely. But all alone I am not capable of generating the energy we experienced during Saturday night's Kirtan. It was the synergy of the individual parts that made it wonderful. The adding of trained and talented musicians, who push me to be better than I am, made it bigger and better than I could ever be on my own. And since I spend so much creative time inside my own bubble, stepping into collaboration feels like a new awakening. It's true when I tell others that I enjoy rehearsing with the Om Boys as much, if not more, than playing before a crowd. They have elevated me to a place I have never experienced and I have such gratitude for their commitment and energy.
So, I ran with this synergy theme throughout classes this week and, in doing so, applied it to how we create a greater effect on our practices. If you have a regular meditation practice, that's awesome. If you practice mindfulness throughout the day, that too is terrific. But what happens when you not only have a disciplined meditation practice but pay attention to what's happening in your current experience (i.e. mindfulness)? The marriage of these two similar yet different practices increases the connection to how we are present and show up in our daily lives. If you're wanting to deepen your practice but feel time-compressed, how about exploring your present experience by really paying attention to what's happening. This can be applied to any activity of daily living: folding laundry, doing the dishes, driving, eating, exercising. As my teacher says, "Become a better uni-tasker", that is, focus on what you're doing rather than mindlessly running through your day. It's been shown that nobody truly is a multi-tasker but rather someone who does a few different things within quick succession of each other. Try this on as a practice...slow down and pay attention. Feel your experience. Hear the sounds of what's happening. Become better at being in your experience than simply doing what needs to be done.
As we develop the skill of mindfulness, our ability to become non-reactive improves. Instead of being quickly triggered, we see things for what they are and can "hold space" during that time. People who are well practiced in meditation and mindfulness are not the people running around in a state of panic.
My thought of the week is to encourage all of us to find someone or something that makes us grow, something that creates a bigger whole. I think we all seek a creative and playful outlet and finding inspiring collaborators will do the trick. Step out of your zone of comfort, explore who brings out the best in you, and enfold it into your personal practices of being more mindful and perhaps sitting for a few minutes each day in meditation.
The whole is bigger than the sum of its individual parts. Let it be BIG!
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