Last weekend the trainees undertaking the 200-hour teacher training program completed Module Six. They have four modules remaining before they graduate in early May and this week's thought is inspired by watching them undertake this journey. The process is challenging and is a launching point for what seems to be a life of endless yogic studies. They are challenged to do things that make many people cringe (like standing in front of people and teaching them) as well as being asked to step into many situations which are completely new and unfamiliar. It definitely takes courage and persistence as unexpected obstacles can arise along the way.
It often sounds so easy to set an intention and follow it. "Hey, I think I'd like to learn how to teach yoga. All I need to do is find a course that suits me and voila! I'll be a yoga teacher in no time!" We have a goal and begin taking the necessary steps to make the dream a reality. Yet for anyone who has set their sights on something yet to be achieved, we know that instead of linear growth, the graph from point A to point B often looks as though it were hijacked by a drunken mosquito, meandering all over the place.
And that's the point. We can easily recognize that although something sounds easy, we will inevitably hit roadblocks and have unexpected challenges. The setbacks ARE part of the journey which can teach us profound lessons or even alter our path away from its original goal. In classes this week, we've been acknowledging what is driving us and accepting that it may get bumpy along the way. It's the awareness of the potential for challenges that will make the journey all that more meaningful.
The other day I had an open window of time which is highly unusual for me during our peak season. I thought to myself, "Excellent! I have time to get some stuff done that I've put off doing." I wanted to mend a sheet, something seemingly simple as all it required was a stitched seam (a straight line) using my trusty Singer Traditional sewing machine. I match the thread color, load the bobbin and begin...rats! Why is the thread gathering in bunches and the needle getting stuck? After many botched attempts, I check a YouTube segment on loading my bobbin...oh, I had it upside down! During my out-loud mutterings of frustration, my husband Ed comes into the kitchen to see what's going on. I say to him, "Do you remember last night's theme in yoga class?" He looks a bit perplexed and recalls, "Yes, you were talking about the spiral path" to which I replied, "Exactly! I'm on a spiral path at the moment and what should've taken 15 minutes has now been stretched over 45 minutes!" It was a perfect lesson for me, and during the process, I realized I was re-learning the finer points of using my machine and sticking with the intention of not adding my sheet to the landfill when all it needed was a minor repair.
So it doesn't need to be a big intention or undertaking for the spiral path to appear.
Another practice we've been undertaking this week is to connect to those un-manifested intentions; the thoughts, inspirations, and ideas that are sitting on the back-burner of our consciousness. Most of us have something that we would like to have in our lives but hasn't yet happened: travel bucket list, a story you've been wanting to write. a group you've been wanting to volunteer for, or a creative undertaking. See what's sitting back there and without filtering or figuring out how, what would it feel like to bring it more forward into your awareness? What might the next step be to begin to actualize the thought? Throw it out to the Universe and see what happens!
My thought of the week is recognizing what we wish to manifest may seem easy or incredibly daunting, but taking the first step in a direction that brings it to life is completely possible and deeply gratifying. Setbacks will be a normal part of the journey, so fall into the vulnerability of the unknown and lean in! You can make magic happen...or perhaps simply fix a torn sheet!
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