Last weekend, Desert Yoga Therapy was infused with charity and goodness. As a result, I have received a huge dose of gratitude and a realignment with what matters in life. We began Saturday morning with a farewell class taught by instructor Deanna Lund. She is beginning a new chapter and moving to Kona, Hawaii and will be greatly missed as she's been teaching alongside me for the past few years. People donated to the organization, Yoga for First Responders, practiced yoga, and shed some tears as we said Mahalo and good-bye to Deanna. You could feel the love present in the studio and, for me, it was a blessing to see how much Deanna's teaching has evolved and the gifts she has to offer.
Later that evening, Jayne and The Om Boys, gathered at the studio for our first Kirtan at Desert Yoga Therapy. We wanted to honor the Equinox, gathering together for music and community. In the process, we had the intention of supporting a local non-profit, The Friends of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter. Not only did we raise good vibes but over $1500 along with many donated goods.
As so often happens following events like these, I awoke the next morning with a sense of being deeply contented. I allowed myself time to soak in the generosity of our local community. Having undertaken many charitable events over the past six years, I was once again reminded of how people show up with such open hearts, support, and willingness to reach out to others and it led to my theme of the week of "good company". If you are paying even the slightest amount of attention to what's happening in the United States, it's easy to have a sense of disconnection. It seems as though everyone is on "their side" and the willingness to be radically present and listen to one another is a rarity rather than a familiar state of being. It feels as though it's almost drilled into us that we must choose sides, so it's no wonder we're isolating ourselves into our separate groups where we feel understood.
So when we have gatherings where our focus isn't on our personal agendas but on serving others, none of the feelings of separation are present and it feels wildly refreshing. That was my mood on Sunday morning. I felt connected to my local community and hopeful that we were focused on doing good and getting out of our own way to do so. It felt as though we were holding up the mirror to reflect the inherent goodness present in each other, which is what my teacher Judith Hanson Lasater, reminds us of in our role as a yoga teacher.
My thought of the week is to cultivate and nourish those around us where we display the best version of who we are, where we hang out with people who want to create harmony and peacefulness in the world and offer us a non-judgmental arena in which to do just that. When we first moved to the desert almost 19 years ago, I met a lot people but didn't resonate deeply with many. I wanted to dive deeper into conversations rather than skimming the surface, so in a sense, I had to create what I was seeking. Now, having my own studio I am fortunate to have these experiences on a daily basis where people are wanting to connect and drop out of their heads and into their hearts. I sense this is a vital starting point for creating a more connected and peaceful world. By starting within our own heart and building a steadier foundation of self-love, we are better able to step into those places where people hold differing opinions or senses of urgency without getting defensive or triggered. When our heart opens, we have more capacity to sit with what is and this is supported by keeping good company.
So, I am truly grateful that you keep good company with me whether it's face-to-face in the DYT studio or online. Thank you for supporting me in being the best version of myself...and I hope I can reciprocate the exact same thing!