We recently returned from a quick trip to Columbus, Ohio to attend the wedding of my nephew, Matthew, to his new bride Jordan. It's crazy to see someone you've known from infancy move through so many stages of their lives. As we sat in the church with Matthew and Jordan exchanging their vows, it struck me about how much forethought went into that particular moment...when they said "I do" to each other. Usually, in the cases of marriage, people give it a good amount of consideration before committing, although a thriving business exists in Las Vegas for those who are more spontaneous!
My thought for the week was actually planted a couple of weeks ago during a conversation around saying "no" and how important that can be to creating boundaries. Instead, I am inspired to focus on the more positive approach of what are we saying "yes" to in our daily lives.
Many years ago, I intuitively knew I needed to bring meditation into my life on a regular basis. And I knew this translated as a daily practice. It all felt quite challenging and I didn't really know what had held me back from doing it, but I felt a bit blocked. I knew about meditation, I practiced erratically, and needed a gentle and supportive nudge in order to get me to commit to sit. That was almost 11 years ago and I'm still sitting daily. I knew I wanted this part of my yoga practice to grow. I was seeking greater ease, more calm, and connection into a quiet and personally spiritual place.
The thought of the week is asking ourselves, "Am I saying yes to what serves and supports me?" Are we doing something today that aligns with our future selves? If we know we want more peace and ease in our daily lives, then today is the time to practice being more at ease and peaceful...not tomorrow, or next week. If I truly wish to embody a peaceful life, I need to practice having a peaceful life now. When I awake in the morning, I no longer have to make the decision, "Will I meditate today?" The ritual of daily practice has become so ingrained that it is now a non-negotiable part of my day and life. It's simply part of who am I and how I wish to be. It still serves and supports me along my own journey. I remember one of my teachers said that creating a meditation practice will eventually feel like the same leaving the house without brushing your teeth. It simply becomes a daily ritual of who you are.
So what are you saying "yes" to? Are you saying "yes" to things that take you further away from what is propelling you forward? Do you say "yes" to doing something because it's easier than saying "no"? It almost sounds too simple that when faced with a decision what may help the process is asking the question, "Does this serve me?" If we drop down into our belly and listen to the answer, we can get fairly clear, fairly quickly. Is it easy? Not always...but in yoga, there's a sutra that describes how we can avoid the creation of future suffering.
Heyam duhkham anagatam
"Pain that is not yet come is avoidable"
~Swami Satchidananda
Begin today by asking yourself the question, "What can I say "yes" to that my future self will thank me for?" Then put your hand over your heart and strongly affirm your intention by saying, "I Do!"
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