A journey that began about five months ago came into full manifestation this past week as we opened the doors to our own yoga studio, Desert Yoga Therapy. It's the second time in my long, nearly 35-year career that I've had a place that is my own rather than working within a University, commercial gym or medical office/hospital facility. The first time was a small personal training studio that we set up in our house in Oakland. I loved that self-contained (albeit small) space with its lovely windows and natural light, and it was an easy commute...just a few steps downstairs and I would arrive at work. That all came to an end when we relocated to Southern California and for the past 17 years, I've been housed in someone else's space. I've been lucky in that chapter with many doors opening generously to offer me a place to teach yoga, run workshops and trainings and work 1-1 with people.
When I found out a few months ago that my role within Eisenhower would be coming to an end I took my time in deciding what the next chapter would look like, and this week, the vision has become a reality.
We begin again all of the time. It's a phrase that's often talked about in the practice of meditation, where upon noticing that you're no longer in your center, you "begin again" by coming back to whatever you're using as an anchor. It may be coming back to the breath, a mantra or focusing on a physical sensation in the body (I like to bring my awareness into my hands). The renowned meditation teacher, Sharon Salzberg, talks about beginning again in her teachings. She says that we may have to restart countless times throughout our session and that is the practice. It's so easy to get drawn into distraction...future, past, problem-solving and to-do lists are ever so tempting places to lay our attention. Yet, the magical moment of the practice is when we notice that we've been pulled away. And, in that moment, we begin again.
In a wider context, this week was about beginning again. In the months of deciding and planning, countless moments arose where I was pulled into distractions: location of the new space, what color should the studio walls be, type of flooring, should I have others teach in the space with me? On it went. It was incredibly easy to get drawn into the details and the long list of items that needed to be crossed off countless lists. When I found myself beginning to carry the weight of it all, I reminded myself to begin again. I had to remember the core reason of why I was doing what I was doing --ultimately to create community, to have a place where I could do what I am meant to do and support others in the process.
We all go through cycles in our lives when something comes to an end and we are then at that next starting point. It can often seem as though we are standing on the edge of a dark abyss, uncertain as to what lies ahead of us as we stare into the unknown. If we are able to remember why we are facing a new beginning and connect to purpose and the big picture, we have a beautiful opportunity to shine our light into the darkness. This time for me has been ripe for creativity. I awake in the predawn hours with more ideas than I've had for a long time and it's a lush time for truly developing a vision that is coming from my deepest self and highest intentions. That alone is not only terrifying but undeniably thrilling.
The other emotion that I've experienced this past week is intense gratitude. It has taken a village to bring this studio forth. My heart is indescribably grateful for the tireless support from my husband, Ed. We've had so many people lend a hand, send messages, flowers, plants and cards, shown up in classes and made postings on social media showing their excitement at this new beginning.
I breathe deeply into my heart and recognize that an intention set over 10 years ago of growing my local yoga community has been realized. I put it out there and although part of me shouldn't be surprised, so much has come pouring back to me. Wow...and to think that I had something to do with that affirms a profound truth. When we tap into our inner goodness, follow what our inner voice is asking of us and try to do so from a place of integrity, we can manifest many magical moments.
Thank you to all who've been my companions along this journey. May all of us enjoy our new sacred space and spread the love into a wider community. I hope to share this new space with you and that our paths will cross soon.
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