Change has been underfoot for a few months as it relates to the work I've been doing with my current employer over the past three years. Our program is coming to an end as is my role within it. It's been a roller-coaster of emotions over the past few weeks as I set an intention of being able to offer a smooth transition of classes from one setting into another.
That's why talking about the New Moon this week has been the perfect place to land. The New Moon happened on Friday, September 30, 2016 which means that it was in 0% illumination, that is, we can't see the moon in the night sky. Although we can't see the moon, it is still there and lit from the other side that faces away from the earth. If we were astronauts floating about in space, we could still see the New Moon being illuminated on the side that nobody on earth would see. As I contemplated and learned more about what the new moon represents, I recognized two things: darkness/light and cycles.
Life moves in countless cycles just as does the moon. The other morning as I opened my window blind prior to my meditation I saw a waning crescent moon, just the slightest sliver in the pre-dawn sky. Change is constant and is reflected in the cycles of the moon. If you stepped out to view the night or morning sky every day for a week, the moon would never be the same. Each day it shows itself in a different way, moving through cycles of darkness and light.
New Moon's represent new beginnings which is precisely where I am at the moment. With my current role ending and my next chapter about to begin, I realize that I am the one holding the quill of what is to be written. I've had numerous moments of falling into doubt, frustration, anger and anxiety about the process. It has been as though my practice was testing me. "So you think you've got this stuff figured out...how about we throw just another challenge into the mix?". Thankfully, my practice has truly come to life as I am now better at watching the fluctuating moods and emotions. But the whole point is that it does fluctuate, it changes and it morphs, just as the moon does. Many moments have presented themselves in which I could have gotten quite distracted from connecting to my soul's mission. It's had times of being quite a tumultuous ride. But what I have noticed is that I have numerous skills that bring me back to purpose.
Many deep breaths later, many moments of letting go of clenching my teeth and many more moments trying to simply remember the bigger picture and purpose of my life. When I think of the many faces who are touched by this practice and who choose to share their experiences with me, I am deeply humbled and brought back to the space within me that simply knows. We do the best we can in each moment that we have and sometimes it's really hard. And sometimes we think we'll crumble or just want to run away. But then something bigger happens. We connect to community, to our truth and to how we express ourselves. Instead of sweating the small stuff (which I've done plenty of) the focus is drawn back into moving one step at a time to what brings meaning to my life.
The first two weeks of the new moon are ripe for planting new intentions and sowing those seeds over time into manifestation. So as we all experience this new moon, what are you putting in your garden? I know that my garden's soil is rich and ready to put forth the buds and blossoms of what's next. I'm optimistic that the universal forces and mysteries are guiding me in the right direction. I can feel it in my gut.
Now, deep breath, relax the shoulders and take the next step forward.
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