Over the next few weeks, both in my thought of the week and in classes, we'll be exploring the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether/space. These elements are an integral part, not only of our Universal environment but, of the subtle energy systems of the chakras. We have seven chakras, spinning wheels of energy, that run from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. When we experience our connection to the elements we are able to deepen our sense of an inherent relationship to all that's around and within us. And it's certainly a good time to get grounded following the holiday season and launching into a new year.
Earth energy is associated with the base chakra, known as the muladhara chakra in Sanskrit. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra connects us through our physical bodies to the energy of Mother Earth. We feel this energy through our bones, muscles and tissues. Just as we might say that a building has "good bones" that create the foundation of the structure, we too can feel our physical nature through our bones and the muscles that move them. This physical body of ours is how we connect into the physical world around us, not only through movement but by standing barefoot on the soil or sand, getting our hands into the dirt through gardening, hugging a tree or touching a huge granite rock during a hike. We can feel the pulse of the earth, her energy and rawness.
To connect to this field of experience we can also visualize the base chakra as a spinning vortex of deep red. I love to visualize the red of outback Australia while others can sense the color through a budding red rose. If we close our eyes and imagine an outward spinning of red at the base of our spine we can magnify the experience through repeating the seed or bija mantra for this chakra which is LAM (sounds like LOM). We can repeat this over and over to create not only a humming at the energy center but a vibration at the lips with the sound of "mmmmm". Try lam lam lam lam lam lam lam...repeatedly for a few minutes and feel its effects.
The base chakra is about security, safety and connection and when it's in balance, we feel as though we are able to move freely about our life. When out of balance it can lead to a sense of insecurity and greed. We need this balance in order for our energy to continue to rise up through the higher chakras, so spending time being on the earth is a vital foundation for further growth. We can also use affirming statements or mantras to enhance our connection.
I am safe.
I trust more. Fear Less.
I am centered and grounded.
Another aspect to creating a connection to this physical self is through practicing pranayama or breathwork and in particular, Surya Bhendana pranayama. This is aimed at activating the Pingala nadi or masculine/sun/yang energy current that also happens to be associated with our physical selves. It's useful when practiced during colder, winter months (that would be those of us at the moment in the Northern hemisphere). The simplest form is to inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. We do this by using the right hand in front of the face with the ring finger gently closing the left nostril to inhale through the right; closing both nostrils by using the thumb on the right; then releasing the left nostril to exhale. A typical ratio is 1:2, so if it takes four counts to inhale, we would aim for an eight count exhale. This can be practiced for up to five minutes and if this sounds confusing, induces a sense of tension or you're uncertain, find a qualified yoga instructor to guide you through it.
So why not begin your 2016 by improving your connection to the powerful energy of the earth. You're armed with tools of movement, visualization, sound and breath. Get grounded...touch the earth and see what rises up from there!
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