Monday, October 26, 2015

Soul Food

One of the interesting things about being human is that we can't survive for too long without being fed both food and water. It's a basic means of sustaining life. We also know that the quality of water and food greatly impacts the quality of our health state, which we hope is one of energy and vitality. But it's not only our physical selves that need to be fed. We need mental stimulation to feed the neurotransmitters in our brain and keep our synapses firing. Our mental state can also be affected by the fluctuation of our emotional selves and how we react to the ebb and flow of our changing landscape. We can feed our mental self through practices of meditation and contemplation. But more deeply, our soul needs to be fed just as much as our physical and emotional selves. Do you know what feeds your soul?  What is it that connects you to that deepest part of yourself where you experience purpose in your life and connection to others and something greater?

I know that when I want to feed my soul, I need to let go of other things that stop me from doing so. One way I do this is spending time with my feet and hands in the sand along the ocean. As I wiggle my toes deeper into the sand and the waves kiss my ankles, something begins to drop away. It's as if this primal action of feeling the earth move below my feet reminds me of being here. I drop into a state of radical presence as the senses come to greater vibrancy...the ocean breeze whipping my hair around, the smell of salt water, the sound of waves rolling in and out. As I begin to notice those moments the greater worries of my life get thrown into perspective and I'm caught asking myself the question, "What's important?"

I had many such moments of feeding my soul recently on our jaunt Down Under and, as sometimes happens, it didn't seem to be quite long enough. We spent our time on retreat at Sanctuary Retreat near Mission Beach, Queensland which was followed by beach strolling and time with friends. Two full years had passed since our last trip to Australia. We had thought about holidaying in Asia this year, but I could hear the beckoning calls from Down Under.

These calls came from a deep place within me, asking me to put my hands and feet on Aussie soil to feed my soul. Thankfully, I listened to the call and was able to embed the earth into my cells. Sanctuary is a special place that has brought insight and healing in the past and did so during this years experience. Perhaps it's the all-around nourishment you receive when you go there...incredible food, a disconnection from most forms of technology and entertainment and the time given to be quiet, find breath and move the body as an act of kindness and healing. Not only did it enrich my soul but the mind and body were thankful as well.

Knowing what feeds us on a deeper level is vital to maintaining overall health. Nature provides this arena and for so many of us is often within easy reach. It seems appropriate to conclude this week's blog by quoting from "Radical Acceptance, Embracing Your Life With The Heart of a Buddha" by Tara Brach:

"Just as the Buddha touched the earth in response to Mara's final challenge, when the voice of doubt afflicts us, we touch the ground by arriving, on the spot, in this moment. We touch the ground by directly connecting with the earth, the life of our bodies, our breath and our inner weather. We touch the ground by looking directly into awareness that is the very source of our life. As we connect with what is right in front of us, we realize the true immensity of who we are."

Om Shanti to that, Tara!

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