Friday, January 3, 2014

Pinnacle Year

As we approach the turning of the calendar from 2013 to 2014, I can't help but get a touch of nostalgia of what 2013 meant to me. I would say that it's been a pinnacle year with many profound experiences.  I don't always feel this way as we approach the new year and in a year that has had enormous abundance and life altering occurrences I have also heard people say, "I can't wait until it's 2014...2013 was a tough one.  Good riddance!"

This time last year I had my energy pointed toward India as I was traveling there with Off the Mat, Into the World (OTM) on one of their Bare Witness Tours. Visas, vaccinations and to-do lists were par for the course as well as organizing who would cover classes for me during my absence.  This year I'm in a different phase of planning which is mostly centered around the Eisenhower Wellness Institute (where I began a new role as the Mind-Body Program Manager in September) and creating curriculum for my yoga school, Desert Yoga Therapy Yoga Teacher Training, that began a 10-module course in September. 

Two other professional highlights were having a year of study with Judith Hanson Lasater and undertaking an OTM Leadership Training in remote Saratoga Springs, CA.  It reflected a deepening connection to my yoga community and a commitment to continually be looking for what is next on my own path.  To study, interact and be completely inspired is an amazing and rare gift which I hold dearly.  I trust that it not only benefits me on a personal level, but that I can share what continues to unfold within my own local community.  My two words for the year have been
collective  and collaboration and, as it turns out, that's what is still on the radar!

No doubt, it's not all about me as so much of what has unfolded has been enthusiastically supported by my husband Ed.  He is my sounding board and adviser, always willing to offer his insight.  To have a life partner who sees your light and allows you to shine is beyond words.  I do feel lucky and can say "yes" to so much because he is behind me.

Of course, like any year, not all is rainbows and unicorns as we lost our beloved dog, Koele, in October.  It reinforced the gratitude I hold for having my yoga and meditation practice to provide the foundation for rocky times.  Although a sad event, it reminded me of how life ebbs and flows, how people support you during tough times and what unconditional love actually looks like.  I was in a space to be with him, face to face and chanting during his final breaths...a heavy, grief ridden blessing.

For those who know me, tooting my own horn isn't something I feel comfortable with.  I'm not particularly skilled as a self-promoter preferring the route of letting my actions do the talking. However,  I was inspired to share my pinnacle year as my thought of the week as it truly seemed incredible.  Had you told me in my 30's or even five years ago that I would feel like this in my 50's, I would've been optimistic that that would be the case, but certainly wouldn't expect it.  

Yet, life has moments that feel so incredibly magical.  I find myself being struck by the depth and beauty of different beings often seen through the lens of suffering.  The human spirit, in such difficult times can truly rise up and meet the great mysteries of life.  And somehow I feel like I'm doing something to meet this suffering. Can I change it?  I don't know. But, I can certainly stand right next to it and hold that precious space of compassion that often seems to be lacking.  And I want to show how vulnerable it can all be and that in that delicate space, that we can be okay.

So I take a deep breath and bow to the year that is coming to its calendars end.  And I ask the vast Universal energy to continue to keep me plugged into this massive grid of opportunity.

I don't know what 2014 will bring but I'm ready to hold on tight and go for a ride! Who's coming with?

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