These past two weeks I've experienced something that I haven't for quite some time. A cold. Yep, started off mimicking laryngitis, then headed north into my sinuses. I've been told by various people who have heard me sniffling and snorting that "it's been going around. So and so has it as well and they sound just like you!".
I've felt quite fortunate over the past few years to dodge the germ bullet of things that "are going around". Others around me seem to suffer, but I just hunker down, take my Immpower (an immune booster made from Japanese mushrooms) and power on. Not this time. It doesn't surprise me as I know that we have these greebly germs lurking in our moist membranes just waiting for an opportune time to jump out and take over.
When our immune system is strong, when we're getting enough rest and nourishing ourselves, we can often armor ourselves against the germ invasion. If we stay diligent in hand washing and keeping a perimeter around those who are suffering, we increase the odds of dodging the knock down.
So over the past month many things aligned in Jayne's world to create the perfect storm where the germs were going to win out over my immune system. First, our nearly 14-year old dog Koele has had some challenges that result in him waking us up 2-3 times each night. Second, I had been negotiating a new job and as a result, needed to let go of my personal training client relationships. Some of these have been in excess of nine years, so the decision was a difficult one. Third, I went to a Jason Mraz concert on a "school night", not getting home until after midnight (which is WAY late for this gal) and having to get up early the next morning. Again...sleep deprivation.
Fourth, I spent four wondrous days in the high desert experiencing Bhakti Fest. Again...lots of singing (sore throat) and very little sleeping. And finally, I not only started my new job on a Monday (when the cold started to truly reveal itself), but worked a full week followed by a full weekend of my new yoga teacher training course. By the end of it all, I was still blowing my nose until it hurt, clearing my throat and feeling a bit run down.
Well no wonder! Little sleep, big decisions, long days, interrupted routine and new beginnings were enough to open the door wide open for the germs to stampede and have a two week long play-date in my throat and sinuses. I'm nearly over it now and like a dog with my tail between my legs have had to admit part of it was my own doing.
I am once again reminded of one important factor that needs to remain consistent in my life. Look after yourself. It's not a matter of age as the same cycle would happen when I was in college. Push, push, push...get to vacation and get sick, sick, sick. That was my first chapter in learning to take care of what keeps me on a healthy and even keel. Rock out of balance and the chances to get sick increase. It's as though being sick with a cold is my body's way of holding up the big STOP sign.
So this weekend the plans are to look after myself: less work, more rest and socializing with friends. OK body, I hear you and promise to take it easy. Let's begin with a smile and feeling of gratitude for the reminder. And I promise to go to bed early!
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