Saturday, April 20, 2013

Imagine if...

This week we are once again reeling from a tragic attack against innocent people.  My thought for the week came from a deep and sad place, wondering if any of the feel good vibes and actions that I've committed to and permeate my life make any difference. 
Within that darkness I am yet again drawn to look toward the light.  The light that lies within me and you and potentially all beings that inhabit the earth.  But how?  How do we even begin to shift violent acts towards acts of kindness?  How do we embrace those that are suffering to such a degree that they feel compelled to bring havoc and chaos into not only their lives, but the lives of people they don't even know?
I came up with two perspectives.  The first is to turn towards all of those people we know that share the same vision.  To gather as a community and to sound off even more loudly that we stand for peace and love.  That's it.  My being has had enough of hearing how cruelly people act towards other beings.  I'm tired of the battle of violence and want to firmly walk in the footprints of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King.
The second perspective is to begin within.  If we ourselves aren't peaceful, if we can't feel or express love, then how can we radiate it out and expect it of others?  Are we not just all mirrors reflecting back to each other.  I yearn to see love reflected back to me.  I beckon to hear kind words spoken to me.  I seek the voice of my inner soul saying 'thank you for looking after us'.  So, I must begin with me.
Imagine if today you had the mantra of:
How have you looked after yourself today?  How have you shown compassion towards yourself today?  What words of kindness has your inner voice been speaking?  Now imagine if that same mantra was that of all of your friends, family and acquaintances, (including all of your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn friends).  Imagine if all of their friends also had that same mantra...
What would happen?  What do you think would be the effect?  All I know is that I need to stay firm in my stance to practice love towards all beings, including myself.  I need to hold all beings with a softness, including myself.  I need to speak words of kindness and support to all beings, including myself.
Are you willing to stand firm in your voice, thoughts and actions? 
Imagine if we all did...

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