Saturday, September 1, 2012

Expanding the Network

During my recent trip to Australia, I spent some time fundraising for the Global Seva Challenge to India. One particular event was held on a rainy Friday night in Melbourne and I was wondering how many people would venture out to participate in an event led by someone they didn't know. My feeling was that any awareness or funds that were raised were better than doing nothing at all.

One of my new yoga friends hosting the event, Fiona Hyde, who owns Williamstown Yoga, was also uncertain as to who would roll up. Our mantra became "let's just put it out there and see what happens." What unfolded was quite a striking evening. I realized as I met with a small, but committed and curious group of people, that what had begun as a challenge for me back in February had grown bigger than I could have ever imagined. Before I committed to trying to raise $20,000 for Off the Mat, Into the World, I had a deep fear of failing. How would I go about raising this amount of money? How would I begin to talk about the emotional subject of human slavery? Did I know enough people to reach what seemed to be an enormous amount of money and a lofty goal?

As I sat in a candlelit circle, with a borrowed harmonium in front of me, I was overwhelmed by this feeling of connection - of how a simple idea of stepping into a place of fear for a cause bigger than myself, had landed me across the Pacific Ocean with other like minds. It was simply stunning to hear a couple of the people at the event say, "I don't know what compelled me to be here tonight. I had other plans, but something deep inside told me that this was important."

And I guess that's it. That some inner wisdom, some voice from deep within speaks loud enough for us to pay attention. For me it was that inner voice that started as an idea, one based in fear no less, that manifested into a gathering where the collective was aimed at doing something bigger than all of us. Simply sitting together, singing kirtan, raising our own vibration and setting an intention of support, empowerment and love, we felt we could make a difference and authentically alter the course of someone's life.

My thought of the week is this. Believe that inner voice that often speaks only in a whisper and as you begin to listen more intently, recognize that fear is just a fleeting symptom of something big.

And go for it!

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