This week my thought is around the upcoming holiday season and how we approach our gift giving. This thought has been stimulated from a couple of different people-most recently by my friend Cheryl Thomas, a yogini extraordinaire based in Sebastopol who recently wrote a similar article in her weekly e-newsletter.
As a kid, I remember sitting down with the Sears catalogue, folding over the pages of each and every toy that I wanted; stuff I hadn't even laid eyes upon until they were displayed within this 400-page tome of goodies temptations. I would mark off page after page and exclaim with excitement to my Mom, "I want this! Oh...and look at this! I want this as well and this and this...". Of course, Christmas day would arrive and none of my ear-marked goodies were under the tree. I'm not complaining as I had abundant, memorable and exciting holidays with my family and was plenty satisfied at not only the gifts received, but being at home sitting amongst the low tide of wrapping paper scattered over the living room floor.
As I've journeyed along in my life, I have tried to find my own way of celebrating the holidays. It still includes some gift giving, but now my intention is aimed more at subtle ways of expressing how I feel about family and friends. Plus, being in a marriage where we also celebrate Hannukah adds a different element of what it means to give and receive.
I would like to think that I give what I can of myself always...throughout the year, not just at the holidays. So, when the idea of staying local with our gift giving came across my desk, I was intrigued. What is available in my local area that will give a gift to someone but also give to a local business as well?
Here are some ideas and I would love for you to share what you've heard about or have come up with:
1. Instead of going to a corporate store (Target, Macy's, Saks etc), buy from a locally owned shop. We have many of these in our area ranging from local artists, florists, foodies, clothing retailers and many more.
2. Buy a local service. Massage, car detailing, pet sitting, gardening, handy person or even a private yoga class for you and your friends.
3. How about a gift certificate from your local hairdresser, manicurist or barber?
4. Buy a series of yoga classes for someone wanting to step onto the mat.
5. How about a tennis or golf lesson with a local pro, or a round of golf at a local course?
6. We have some delicious local bakeries and coffee shops that would love to offer you their goodies.
7. Things need to be spruced up? How about hiring a cleaning person for a day or a professional organizer to help you streamline your life?
8. Get a computer tune-up with a local I.T. whiz.
9. Want some custom woodwork, garden beds or repairs-hire a local handy person.
10. Need some 1-1 support try a personal trainer or private yoga session.
11. Find a nutritional consultant to support better choices and options.
12. Offer gift certificates from local restaurants that encourage more plant-based, locally grown and organic foods.
13. More? Think of local musicians and bands playing at nearby venues and local craft/street fairs.
My list could go on but the whole idea is to think locally even if it might seem so much easier to shop online. If you're out and about in your neighborhood, stop in to see what your community has to offer. Not only will it support them and their businesses, but it will enhance the connection you have to your local community. Rather than buying something that is made overseas, see what a difference YOU can make by keeping it local.
We can all make adifference in our gift giving. May the holiday season be one of ease, peace and conscious giving!
If you wish to contribute ideas or names of services and businesses, please comment on the Desert Yoga Therapy Facebook page.
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