This past week, the theme I was teaching in classes was regarding a surprising, yet beneficial, effect of doing yoga-that of building a strong foundation. I'm not only referring to a strong physical foundation that sets us up for more stable poses, but the more esoteric foundation upon which we live our lives.
I didn't realize this benefit when I first stepped onto the yoga mat. I was curious about what yoga was all about and remember that every pose sounded the same...blahblah-asana. Over time as my practice has unfolded, I have repeatedly experienced how the practice of yoga has kept me emotionally afloat. In the past, if I had an overstuffed schedule or an unexpected event occur I would physically (and emotionally) fall apart. As the foundation of my practice grew, so did my resilience to the unexpected. Instead of floundering and losing a sense of myself and that which centers me, I was kept afloat. Perhaps staggering and stumbling through it, but not crumbling...a big difference.
Recently, a dedicated yoga student of mine was facing major surgery. She has been doing yoga for at least four years and has attended three retreats. In addition to her practice, she used another tool of guided visualization, a CD created by my brother Ken and I, aimed specifically at preparing ourselves before undergoing any procedure or surgery. The day of her surgery, she was delayed approximately two hours and sent me an email to say...
"We're out on a lovely, shaded patio. I am about to tune back in to my Optimal Healing CD. Jayne, Thank You. It will be my prescribed therapy for anyone about to have or having had a surgical procedure. Calming, reassuring words, with just plain beautiful music."
This is the foundation I'm talking about. When we attend a yoga class it's as though we're sitting in a purposeful, comfortable and controlled lab. We begin to practice not only poses, but how to be centered in times that challenge us. When a pose gets challenging on the mat, what do you do? Leave? find your breath, release as much tension as possible and hang in there. It's a relevant metaphor for life.
We practice yoga for so many reasons. One which is powerfully subtle, is that a consistent practice will build a foundation for our daily lives...all elements of it.
So why not try this week to lay another brick, another level, another floorboard...hop on a mat and get going!
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