It's been a full week of working our annual tennis tournament. Up at 5:15 am most mornings, home somewhere between 6-8:30 pm for six days straight and then onto a somewhat lighter schedule for the weekend of finals.
It's a week where I feel that I "power through it" and at some point during the week, I hit the wall. Having run the tournament for six years now, I've come to expect the impact. What I've also come to learn is to respect what it means...staying with my yoga practice to keep me calm, energized and able to endure. That's not to say that moments don't pop up that I want to scream or collapse, but I've been using my yoga tools all week.
I have continued my morning meditations, packed healthy snacks for the day and brought along two yoga blocks to open my chest and stretch my back during moments of relative quiet (that are sometimes infrequent...but they exist). I also take a deep breath when confronted with someone who challenges me, try to make eye contact with people as I greet them at the desk and feel gratitude that so many people want to be part of this event.
One of the most beneficial practices is getting to bed early and getting the sleep I need to fuel me throughout the long days. It takes discipline and organization to do it, but the pay off is noticeable.
And that leads me to my thought of the's bedtime!
One in 10 Americans suffer from chronic insomnia, and chances are good that most of them, including you, have already read plenty of advice about how to deal with the problem. Thanks for your info.