Just Enough
With my recent trip to Australia, I was able to have time to "just be". Most days presented themselves with the chance to connect with my most basic needs. I had a comfortable place to stay. I had healthy and delicious food. I was surrounded by loving people. We were in a stunning environment and each day was spent engaging in yoga, meditation and time in nature.
My basic needs were being met and then some. As I wrote last week, I was able to unplug in from the hectic schedule often present in daily life.
As I return to my work and personal schedule back here in the desert, I have been struck by how much I DON'T need on a daily basis. In many ways, we are incredibly fortunate to have such apparent abundance. As I cruised the aisles at Costco and the supermarkets it becomes overwhelming at how we have access to such an incredible amount of stuff.
I caught myself feeling tempted to toss an extra item into my basket (that could just about comfortably fit a Great Dane), but stopped as I asked myself the question...."but do I really need it?" Every time I asked this question, the answer was always the same..."no".
This is not a new thought, that "stuff" can't make us happy. More food from jumbo sized boxes doesn't feed our soul. Do we walk around in dazzled state of consumption to cover up the deeper questions our souls are asking?
Of course, only you can answer that question.
For myself, I trust that my happiness lies within me, begins deep inside my heart and is continually fed through my practice of yoga and creating a life that I love. That includes putting into my own basket, friends, family, positive thoughts and a fulfilling career.
What are you putting in your basket this week?
I luv this part Jayne & so agree - "For myself, I trust that my happiness lies within me, begins deep inside my heart and is continually fed through my practice of yoga and creating a life that I love. That includes putting into my own basket, friends, family, positive thoughts and a fulfilling career!" For Me: I am putting Self Love & Care / Family / Friends / Clients / Mindful & Intuitive Eating / Meditation & Yoga