I love it when one word holds a couple of different meanings and the word "inspire" is such a word. The first definition that pops up relates to the definition: "fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative." This is often the first thing that comes to mind with the word inspire, the awakening to that internal spark that tends to get us excited about undertaking something that we have not yet undertaken. The second definition: "breathe in (air); inhale." This definition is, of course, inextricably linked to yoga as without attention or awareness to the power of our breath, yoga is simply a series of poses or calisthenics. It's the breath that has the potent ability to alter our state, stimulate or calm us, offering a sense of being centered and focused. It is the breath that penetrates through all layers of our being from the most gross physical layer to our ethereal/spiritual selves. The breath is the thread that ties it all together, creating union (or yoga) in our being.
I wanted to use both definitions of inspire for this weeks thought. When we plant a seed of inspiration we then awaken that intention by "breathing" into it. If we truly want to bring something to life, we offer it nourishment, time, and the oxygen needed to propel its unfolding. So what does it mean to live an "inspired" life? Are you currently living from that perspective or is it something that's been sitting out on the periphery of your world, waiting for the "perfect" time to move more toward the center of your attention? Knowing that we have a finite time in this body, in this particular lifetime, I don't want to get to the end of my days and look back at was only a pipe dream rather than a reality.
It's quite a provocative conversation to have with someone and maybe this will be the spark that ignites such a dialogue, but ask someone you know and trust what inspires them and then sit back and listen with your full attention. And in reciprocation, have them ask you the same question. It's a way of checking in to see if you're on track with your deepest driving forces. My husband and I began this conversation in earnest over two years ago and it's an ongoing discussion. How do we want to be living and what do we want our lives to look like, not only now but in five, ten, or twenty years? It's prompted us to steer our choices in a particular direction, as though we are pointing the compass toward our North Star for guidance, today and for the future. Although the conversation is filled with unknowns and possibilities, it's extremely exciting to be talking about the potential that lays ahead.
So I encourage you to take a moment and think about what it is that truly excites you, perhaps that one thing you've always dreamed about but have felt it's too big to begin. And as you're recognizing what that thing is, invite a sense of boundlessness in its pursuit. Visualize what this would look like if time, money, energy, knowledge and resources were in abundance and you could do anything. Then ask yourself, "Why not now? Why not me?". It doesn't mean it has to happen immediately but what it does do is put us in touch with the deepest creative essence of who we are and how we wish to fully express our truest selves. We can look to others and recognize how they've inspired connection, change, adventure, service, and courage in their lives. We are all born with a potential to fully realize who we are and I believe that each one of us is capable of living a life from an inspired perspective.
The time is right now to plant that seed. Place it into your heart, allow it to take its time to reveal itself fully as you steadily nourish and foster it. The time is now to breathe life into your inspiration and may it manifest when the conditions are right. And may the New Year bring a sense of deep peacefulness and contentment, allowing all that your heart desires to blossom into full manifestation.