Last week we took some time to look at our "why", the driving force behind what motivates us to do certain things. It began with the story about someone writing their eulogy and realizing that what they had written wasn't aligning with how they were currently living. This awakening led them to make significant changes by setting intentions of slowing down and living a more purposeful life. Once we realize what's really important to us in the long run, do we have the discipline to enact and, moreover, stick to daily rituals that connect us to our why?
We are constantly engaged in a dynamic daily shift of experiences and this topic is purposefully timed to coincide with the holiday season, sometimes nicknamed the "silly season". We hear people saying they're going to try and "survive" the holidays which sounds not only combative but truly exhausting. Wouldn't it be refreshing to set an intention of ease and peace during this time of year? So this weeks thought is twofold:
1. What do we need to do daily to keep us from capsizing when life gets overly full?
2. What do we have in place that keeps us connected to our larger life's "why", those things that provide the rich soil for our lives?
In a recent interview, Courtney Carver from Be More With Less spoke about three non-negotiables that she has for those times when the "tilt" happens. The tilt is a period of time in which we know that our schedules are over-scheduled and we may be burning the candle at both ends. We are quite adaptable creatures and can sustain the tilt for short periods, such as the holiday season or running a major event, but know that over the long haul, being tilted will eventually lead us to tipping over the edge. During these times, Courtney ensures that she: 1) gets sufficient sleep; 2) eats nourishing whole foods; and 3) meditates daily.
My personal list of non-negotiables is 1) getting sufficient sleep, and 2) daily meditation. Those two things are at the top of the pile and have been at the top over the past several years as I have found them to be the ballast of equanimity all year long. Close to the top of the list with a bit more wiggle room are: moving my body, being mindful of nourishing myself with whole foods; and getting out in nature, including putting my hands in the dirt and feet in the sand. When I connect into that inner sanctuary, not only does it feed my own soul and keep me connected to my larger purpose in life, but it makes me a nicer person to be around. I know that hungry + tired = cranky, so keeping things in place leads to greater ease for all.
As we enter this holiday season, perhaps we can set the intention to be more present rather than stress about giving the perfect presents. Perhaps we can honor the rhythm of the Northern Hemisphere as we approach the winter solstice to give ourselves some time to hibernate and rejuvenate and in the Southern Hemisphere, to get outside and touch the earth. Perhaps we can put the wide angle lens on the camera of our life and look at the big picture, to slow down, take a deep breath and truly savor rather than survive this time of year. In the end, what has impact and adds quality to our lives are the experiences we create more than the stuff we give or get. So remember what's important to you, to connect to your why, for not only this time of year, but as the mantra of how you want to live and honor those couple of things that help you stay on track and make it manifest.
Now take a deep breath and do something that feeds your soul...no negotiating!