Over the past month, I have made many forays into my local environs hiking the local trails close to Palm Springs. It has simply been irresistible as I have been hearing the sweet voice of Mother Nature calling to me-come out and explore!
Our desert is in full bloom due to the above average rainfall this past winter and above average temperatures these past couple of weeks. It's as though the dormancy of winter has been shaken awake. We have lived in the desert for over 17 years now and I have never seen our mountains look so green or with such an array of wildflowers and grasses showing their full color. This has all happened because the conditions have been just right. We have been in drought the past five years and only Mother Nature knows when the next time will be that we are able to enjoy such vibrancy.
Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere have just passed the first day that marks our transition from winter to spring-the vernal equinox. The hours of darkness and light are about the same length and we will begin to see more daylight hours as we mosey up to the summer solstice three months from now. This time of year is ripe for some reflection, for looking at the quality of balance in our lives and see what may be blossoming for us. We know that the desert bloom has happened not just because we had rain and warm sunlight, but because of the seeds and buds that were awaiting such a perfect storm of conditions to show their full display of beauty. If the seeds hadn't been in the soil in the first place, then no matter how much it rained or shined no blooms would have appeared.
The same is true for us. Spring blossoms because what has been planted in the previous few months. We can reflect three months back to the winter solstice and see what we put in the soil to hibernate over the winter months. What is blossoming for you at the moment? Was it something that you toiled into your inner landscape and now have ripe conditions to see it to manifestation? This is my thought of the week...what have you been digging into your own soil that you would like to bring into bloom?
Try this visualization. Close your eyes and enjoy a couple of relaxing breaths. Imagine a dear friend sitting opposite you, one that you talk openly and honestly with. They ask you the following question, "What is it that you are wanting to have in your life?". Notice what arises. Perhaps it's bringing more peace, ease, quiet time or calm to everyday things. Perhaps it's letting go of what you no longer need. See if you can notice what is present without needing to judge or change whatever bubbled up.
Now, what are doing to plant these seeds into your life?
One way of creating a rich soil for what we wish to manifest is to have daily practices, things we do, no matter how big or small, that till our own inner garden where it can be nourished. Each time you step onto your yoga mat, sit in meditation, offer loving kindness to yourself or others, connect to gratitude, appreciate the earth or serve others you are nourishing your inner garden. It may take longer than we anticipate for the conditions of our own life to be just right for what we've planted to manifest.
It's not like I've held a lifelong dream of owning my own yoga studio so when the opportunity arose it seemed like perfect timing. This was the case because I had spent years steadily doing work that not only supported others on their path of living a balanced and insightful life but connecting to my own inner life on a daily basis. The sense of living from intention, every day, is what creates a nourishing environment to bring to life what we most desire.
As we step into spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and move into fall in the Southern Hemisphere take a few moments to be still and honor the steady process of our own growth. Check in with yourself to see if something is ready to come more fully into your life and start working with it through having the intention to do so.
It is time to blossom and I thank the natural cycle of nature for the stunning reminder.