The simple matter that you're reading this blog likely reveals the answer to my question of, "are you health un-conscious"? In fact, you are likely to be a person who is seeking to deepen their consciousness around their health and may use regular reading about enhancing wellness as part of that process.
Last weekend we went to a restaurant that neither my husband nor I had been to more than once. As I scanned the menu looking for things to suit my choice around how I was about to nourish myself, I realized that the number of options suddenly became quite narrow. I was seeking a light, fresh green salad with some interesting bits thrown in, hopefully something in season like persimmon or toasted pecans and anything else that didn't have gluten in it. Oh, and it had to be vegetarian preferably leaning towards the vegan side.
Once our server came to the table, I began my usual barrage of questions about how things are prepared and what's in it. I've come to learn over the years that what's written and what arrives are often poles apart from what was in my imagination...so, I ask for clarification. I settled on one of their salad choices without the meat and without the croutons and enjoyed the meal.
As the server was clearing our luncheon plates, she said "you seem health conscious...are you even interested in the desert menu?" What was striking to me was the thought that flashed into my brain- "isn't everyone health conscious?" Does asking for a salad without croutons begin to slide you into the "health (nut) conscious category?
Perhaps I'm not the typical patron of such restaurants, but I'm certainly not an exception to the constant bombardment of media images telling us how to improve our lives through "losing the belly fat" or "10 lbs in 3 days" or "finding the perfect little black dress" type headlines. They are gracing the cover of just about every magazine. If you add in the recent news headline that kids won't live as long as their parents most likely because of the growing obesity and diabetes numbers, you begin to wonder how can we all not be at least a tiny bit health conscious...at least health-curious.
And if not, why not?
Are we in such a state of denial that we are choosing to ignore these seemingly obvious health challenges? Are we so disconnected from our deeper selves to no longer have the awareness that our body, mind and spirit are inextricably intertwined? Are we unable to pay attention because we're distracted by the deeper issues simply because we're trying to get through each day with food, any food, on the table? Faced with economic struggles does it seem a waste of time to "indulge" ourselves into a deeper place of recognizing what nourishes us?
To all of these questions, I have no real answers. All I sense is that we are facing an underlying issue of being pulled so far out of our awareness from our inner needs by extraneous decoys, that asking for a crouton-free salad labels me as being health conscious.
Perhaps this is why the gravitational pull towards yoga has increased its popularity and growth in the U.S. Perhaps people feel the need for digging a bit deeper and recognize that yoga and it's 5000 year old tools are a solid foundation for beginning this exploration.
Get curious about what living a health conscious life feels like...go ahead...let me know how it goes. And maybe, we can go out and grab a crouton-free salad to celebrate!